
Health issues we can help in

Yoga Classes at Home


We know over-weight is the root cause of loads of health issues, and that’s why almost 50% of clients demand yoga trainers to lose weight. We have served satisfying results to all of them, book sessions, and get yours.

Yoga Classes at Home


 Wrong sitting habits, Slip-dis, Arthritis and ageing, back pain is an obstacle between you and your daily-day routine. At Yogisbazaar, we serve yoga classes to cure back pain by including yoga & the right diet guidance in your life.   

Yoga Classes at Home

Mental health

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and inattention are all types of mental illnesses. And for rapid treatment, Yoga with nutritious food is all that is suggested. Our yoga trainers can be loyal friends in need of you in such a case. 


An unhealthy lifestyle and blockage cause this Hormonal imbalance disease in hormonal secretion. At Yogisbazaar, we have successfully cured our female clients with the help of yoga and healthy diets. If you’re suffering too? Hand over the responsibility to us.


The imbalance of sugar/glucose in the blood or the absence of insulin cause diabetes. Our experienced yoga trainers will make you practice specific yoga asana for diabetes at our yoga classes, plus our expert dietitian will guide you with the best diabetes diet chart.

Knee Pain

Muscle stiffness, high uric acid, after-surgery side effects, weak bones, overweight, muscle weakness are the leading causes of knee pain (especially in women). Left side muscle weakness causes right side muscle pressure and, ultimately, knee pain. However, regular yoga with the right yoga trainer guidance can help. 


Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are types of thyroid imbalance. And can disturb your entire body systems, such as the reproductive system, digestive system, and even create a hormonal imbalance. But when you do yoga for the thyroid, it stretches body parts also improves chakras.  

Digestion Issues

Acidity, Constipation, Gastric issues are by-products of a poor digestive system. And an unhealthy diet and a weak digestion system are the root cause. So in our yoga classes for a healthy digestive system, we teach yoga that cures your digestive system and makes it work properly. 

Bp High / Low

Hypertension & Hypotension are types of BP that occur when blood pressures increase or decrease on unhealthy levels. Moreover, stress & cholesterol are the most common reasons for imbalanced BP that can lead to heart attack and stroke. In our yoga classes for BP, we treat them from the core.